そのため、認知 ―> 興味 ―> 注文の流れで戦略を考えました。
― ビラの制作 ―> 手配り、SNSへの投稿
― ボードの作成 ―> キャッシャーの上に設置
<― 会計待ちのお客様に向けて
― ポスター制作 ―> キャッシャーの机に設置
<― 会計中のお客様に向けて
― アンケート実施
<― ニーズの確認
― カタログ製作
<― 魅力的な日本製品を知ってもらう
― 特別ブースの設置+自分で話しかけて営業
― ライブに参加して宣伝
I did a 12-week internship from September 9, 2023 to December 2, 2023.
My main duties were to get orders from customers under the special order system, and I had a wide range of experiences from creating business strategies, marketing, and sales to customers.
By the way, I came here with zero Lao language skills.
I would like to share my internship experience with you.
First of all, the special order system I was engaged in was a service to order products on behalf of customers who wanted Japanese products that were not available in the stores.
At the time I started my internship, there was almost no advertising for this business.
Therefore, I thought of a strategy based on the flow of awareness -> interest -> order.
- Creation of flyers -> Handouts, postings on social networking sites
- Create boards -> Place above cashier
<- Poster production -> for customers waiting for checkout
- Create posters -> Place on cashier's desk
<- Posters -> on the cashier's desk
- Questionnaire
<- Confirmation of needs
- Catalog production
<- Make people aware of attractive Japanese products
- Set up a special booth + Talk to them yourself for sales
- Participate in live concerts to promote the product
As a result of the above efforts, we were able to receive orders from customers.
I think the three important things to remember throughout the whole project were to communicate well with Laotian employees, to have a basis for your actions, and to take action anyway.
I believe that you cannot do business in a foreign country unless you know the local culture. Therefore, I think it is a good idea to make friends with Laotian people through food and entertainment for cultural understanding. Personally, I feel that this time was very relaxing. I can speak only a little Lao, but everyone is very kind, so I can manage.
Finally, for better or worse, I think that the word "Lao" fits this internship program.
Basically, I can do everything I want to do. But if you don't think for yourself, you can't do or get anything done. And you are almost never assigned work by your supervisor. You have more discretion than you think, and if you don't get results in the business, it is almost 100% because there is something wrong with your behavior. I felt a lot of pressure there right before the internship ended.
However, I was not completely left to my own devices, and the president and other Japanese employees are concerned about me. I have an opportunity to meet with the president once a month and receive feedback on my behavior up to that point. And the other employees are very friendly and talk to me every time they see me, and we even went out for dinner together. All of them are good people, so it is an environment where you can ask for any kind of advice.
I also felt that the job contents were suited to each individual. I wanted to gain business experience overseas, so my internship was to grow the business while quantitatively analyzing results, but the other intern had a different goal and had different duties. There were many obstacles that we each had to overcome, and although it was tough at times, I look back now and feel that it was a great experience for me.
If you want to break out of your shell and grow, this is a great internship, so please apply!

自分で作ったブースとカタログ Self-built booth and catalog

同居人の皆と夜ご飯を食べて交流 Evening dinner and socializing with all the roommates.

休みの日には観光地に行って気分転換 On holidays, go to tourist attractions to refresh yourself.
